When I think about how people will see my work in a hundred years from now, all I dare to imagine is that some kind of cultural historian will be trying to understand the psyche of people from our generation. I'm afraid that's the best I can do for anyone that far into the future, be research subject 4325 out of millions of other people who post stuff online. It terrifies me a bit.

I feel like I would be incredibly lucky to even be able to do some good for people right now.

Loved this piece, you really spoke to me. Thanks for writing it. <3

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Thanks Jonas! I really appreciate your comment. That is an interesting perspective.

Yeah it gets overwhelming when we try to look to far into the future. It gives me a headache haha. All I can do is the right thing today.

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Oppps that ended before I was finished. Anyway, it’s like you said about people knowing when you are genuine. They feel it when you care and when you’re just going through the motions. Jesus said to take one day at a time, don’t worry about tomorrow. Granted he was referring to worrying about physical needs but I think it also applies to your message about worrying about being remembered. Each day is a blessing so I believe we are to make the best of each day anyway we can, through our work, relationships, etc.

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Wow, another powerful message! I once heard that what people remember most about the people they knew in their life was how they felt in the presence of that person.

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